✨ आप जितनी ज़्यादा साड़ियाँ और ड्रेस मटेरियल खरीदेंगे, उतना ही ज़्यादा बचत करेंगे - क्योंकि आप सबसे अच्छी कीमतों पर असीमित स्टाइल के हकदार हैं! (कोई कूपन कोड ज़रूरी नहीं)
K D S (Sarees)
K D S (Sarees)
Country of Origin: India
Manufacturers/ Sellers Details
Manufacturers DetailsK D S (Sarees)
केथून, कोटा 325001 राजस्थान भारत
Packers DetailsK D S (Sarees)
केथून, कोटा 325001 राजस्थान भारत
Marketed By
Trend In Need
B/ 403, WaghaniVihar, MaharanaPratap Road, Narayan Nagar,
Bhayander west, 401101 THANE Maharashtra,
+91 9511675301
Country of Origin: India
Grievance Redressal
Subject:Contact Seller - K D S (Sarees)
Write To:
Trend In Need B/ 403, WaghaniVihar, MaharanaPratap Road, Narayan Nagar,
Bhayander west, 401101 THANE Maharashtra,
info@trendinneed.com, +91 9511675301
उत्पाद विवरण
उत्पाद कोड: SS 998 KDECS4
- सामग्री संरचना : कोटा डोरिया खाट चेक
- बुनाई का प्रकार : कोटा डोरिया
- साड़ी पैटर्न: धागा मशीन कढ़ाई
- ब्लाउज पैटर्न : सादा
- रंग : गुलाबी रंग की साड़ी
- डिज़ाइन का नाम: मशीन कढ़ाई
- लंबाई: साड़ी 5.5 मीटर और रनिंग अटैच्ड अनस्टिच्ड ब्लाउज 0.8 मीटर लंबा
- साड़ी की चौड़ाई : 45-46 इंच (114.3-116.84 सेमी)
- अवसर प्रकार: त्यौहार, शादी, पार्टी, शाम, कार्य, अनौपचारिक, समारोह
- पैक सामग्री (N): 1 साड़ी, 1 रनिंग अटैच्ड अनस्टिच्ड ब्लाउज पीस
- शुद्ध वजन (ग्राम): 300 ग्राम
- मूल देश: भारत
महत्वपूर्ण सूचना
सुरक्षा जानकारी: लंबे समय तक ड्राई क्लीन
उत्पाद विनिर्देश
इस आइटम के बारे में
अधिक जानकारी
Terms & Conditions for Discount Offer
Discount will be valid for the available period only. Kindly note, that a few categories like Dupatta, and lining material are not included in the discount offer.
In Case any product is not available or has an issue to dispatch from our end then a discount will be available as per the quantity ordered and not as per quantity dispatched.
In Case the products received have some manufacturing defect, the wrong product is sent, or issue and the customer wants to return or exchange the product then a Discount will be applicable as per the quantity ordered.
In Case a Customer wants to return Discount offer products just because not like the product or are not satisfied with the product then a discount will be applicable as per the quantity accepted by the customer. Return products will not be added to the discount offer. For example, if 6 products are ordered and the customer returns 3 products. So the discount applicable will be as per 3 products not as per 6 products.
Trend In Need reserves all right to change or stop Discount offers anytime without any prior notice.
Discount will be valid for the available period only. Kindly note, that a few categories like Dupatta, and lining material are not included in the discount offer.
In Case any product is not available or has an issue to dispatch from our end then a discount will be available as per the quantity ordered and not as per quantity dispatched.
In Case the products received have some manufacturing defect, the wrong product is sent, or issue and the customer wants to return or exchange the product then a Discount will be applicable as per the quantity ordered.
In Case a Customer wants to return Discount offer products just because not like the product or are not satisfied with the product then a discount will be applicable as per the quantity accepted by the customer. Return products will not be added to the discount offer. For example, if 6 products are ordered and the customer returns 3 products. So the discount applicable will be as per 3 products not as per 6 products.
Trend In Need reserves all right to change or stop Discount offers anytime without any prior notice.
कोटा डोरिया कढ़ाई वाली कॉटन साड़ी - समुद्री गुलाबी
नोट: फोटोग्राफिक लाइटिंग की स्थिति और स्क्रीन रिज़ॉल्यूशन में अंतर के कारण वास्तविक उत्पाद का रंग प्रदान की गई छवियों से थोड़ा भिन्न हो सकता है या नहीं भी हो सकता है। रंग भिन्नता को उत्पाद को वापस करने या बदलने का मुद्दा नहीं माना जाता है।